CYBR Magazine Issue 07 Print
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Our seventh issue 'OFF-WORLD' we explore what life would be like when humans become multi-planetary and space station living is a thing of the present. From 3D printed sneakers, to space habitats and spaceships that can travel across the solar system, to bioprinting hearts and cryptocurrencies taking over space.
For the first time we're introducing a new universe - we proudly present OFF-WORLD, an Earth orbiting residential space station and vacation hotspot. Space station living on the OFF-WORLD is luxurious and otherworldly, with never before seen galactic views. Onboard fashion has evolved to two main forms; 3D printed or appearing digitally in AR. Algae caviar is the superfood of the moment, and those on board are healed and treated by bioprinting. Recreationally those on the station watch zero-g races, experience spacewalking, and VR lenses transport them to places lush, green and full of life.
Digital art is abundant on the station. Transporting physical statues and paintings off the Earth is considered passé. The new artists of the digital space are displayed prominently aboard the station in virtual art galleries and station homes. Whilst scientists, explorers and even thrill seekers use the station as a starting point to explore new worlds returning to one of the station’s many bars to tell stories of their adventures.
Join us on the OFF-WORLD, your new horizon.
Augmented Reality
This issue has an additional Augmented Reality cover and inside content provided by our Instagram Filters at @cybrmagazine. The AR card inside each issue explains how to use the features. From the SpaceX Starship, to the ISS and OFF-WORLD lenses. the 3D content means the magazine comes to life when scanned with a phone. See more about our AR on the about page